WebVR: Virtual Reality on the Web
Basic virtual reality browser based solutions have existed since the 90’s (e.g.browsers which supported VRML, the Virtual Reality Modelling Language that allowed you to create […]
Basic virtual reality browser based solutions have existed since the 90’s (e.g.browsers which supported VRML, the Virtual Reality Modelling Language that allowed you to create […]
Virtual Reality is the latest technology which is betting to change our lives as the quality improves and prices become more affordable. Here’s some of the […]
Virtual Reality is the next big thing in gaming. As soon as Oculus Rift launched its Kickstarter campaign, every gamer was anxious to get his/her […]
For those struggling with a work/life balance between spending hours at the office doing menial admin tasks or chilling at home playing console games perhaps […]
Today’s tech media giants like Microsoft, Samsung, HTC, Google (by backing Magic Leap), Facebook (with Oculus), and others are creating their own custom VR and […]
I’ve been wondering what commercial opportunities currently exist for an Immersive Technology consultancy that advises companies on the potential of augmented reality solutions and helps […]
Virtual Reality is the latest buzz in the tech industry. It takes you in to a whole new virtual world to interact with your friends, […]
Augmented Reality blends the real life environment with virtual objects from the digital world. It is becoming increasingly popular amongst tech companies as well as new […]
I was considering getting myself a set of (x)Beacons (e.g. iBeacon, AltBeacon) or those lost item Bluetooth trackers (like Tile, or another solution which has an API […]
Immersive technology refers to all forms of perceptual (input to the user) and interactive (output from the user) hardware technologies that blur the line between the physical […]
In my attempt to understand what commercial services are enabled by various Immersive Technologies, and which role-player generally offers it I created the matrix attached […]
A press release on Gartner’s 2015 Hype Cycle for Emerging Tech published on 18 August 2015 recently caught my attention. The technology research & advisory firm has […]
In order to create a VR or AR application you should: Decide which VR or AR device you’re aiming targeting your app on, e.g: On a […]
Augmented reality immerses virtual objects or information into the real world. I expect augmented driving solutions to reduce the dangers of driving by enhancing the […]
What’s the next social media platform that blends perceptual and interactive technologies together, and in what form will the applications present themselves? Some ideas I have […]
The viewing decks of many major international landmarks just have window panes for you to look out from. Disappointingly those windows can be a little […]
This idea needs no explanation. It’s only a matter of time before a Darth Vader VR or AR headset is going to hit the market […]
In late 2014 UltraHaptics, a UK company announced a solution that allows a human to feel holograms by the use of sound waves. You’d need a separate […]
Ever since the dawn of mankind humans have dreamt of flying. I’m not talking about aeroplanes, jets or helicopters. Skydiving and bodygliding suits come close, […]
One use of Virtual Reality headsets could be to provide news coverage filmed with multiple cameras that provide a 360-degree view of the film location. The […]
Here’s a collection of some of my favorite Star Trek holodeck scenes. These decades’ old video clips will give you an idea of what we […]
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